We invite individuals, corporations, foundations, organizations and others to help celebrate the inauguration of Lorraine Cochran-Johnson as DeKalb County’s sixth CEO by serving as sponsors for our various inaugural events. Sponsorships and in-kind contributions will not only underwrite these events but bridge together the community as we celebrate our future.
Your contribution to the gala will receive the following benefits
Exclusive opportunity for Four Sponsors.
This opportunity allows for you/your organization to be the Presenting Sponsor of our Inaugural DeKalb County CEO Inaugural Gala, Ceremonial Oath of Office, Meet and Greet, and Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast and includes the following unique opportunities for recognition and visibility:
- Recognition as Presenting Sponsoratall Inaugural Week Activities including the Ceremonial Oath of Office, Meet and Greet, Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast, and CEOs Inaugural Scholarship Gala.
- Premier table at Inaugural Scholarship Gala (seating for 10 per table)
- Prominent recognition in digital promotion package and during all official events
- Premier logo placement and recognition in print materials and online materials
- Acknowledgement as “Presenting Sponsor” in media releases and materials
- Acknowledgement during CEO Inaugural Scholarship Gala, Ceremonial Oath of Office, Meet and Greet, and Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast
- Special wine selection and butler service at gala
- Valet Parking for all table guests at gala
- Reserved seating at Ceremonial Oath of Office
- Six (6) tickets to the VIP Meet & Greet Reception
- Four (4) tickets to the Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast
- (2) Premier Tables at the Gala (seating for 10 per table)
- (10) Tickets to Gala VIP receptionProminent recognition in digital package and logo placement online Prominent recognition in all printed materials Acknowledgement at all Inaugural events
- (10) Tickets to CEO Meet and Greet and Cabinet Reception
- (5) Premiere seats to Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast
- (10) Reserved seating at Oath of Office
- (20) Limited edition CEO Inaugural Charge Coins in velvet box
- (1) Premiere table at the Inaugural Gala
- (10) Tickets to VIP Gala reception Recognition in digital package and logo placement online
Recognition in all printed materials - (5) Reserved seating at Oath of Office
- (5) Tickets to CEO Meet and Greet and Cabinet Reception
- (5) Tickets to Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast
- (5) Limited edition CEO Charge Inaugural Coins in velvet box
- (1) Table at the Inaugural Gala and VIP Gala reception
- (5) Tickets to VIP Gala reception Recognition in digital package and logo placement online Logo placement in online and printed materials
- (2) Reserved seating at Oath of Office
- (2) Tickets to CEO Meet and Greet and Cabinet Reception
- (2) Tickets to Ecumenical Prayer Breakfast
- (3) Limited edition CEO Inaugural Charge Coins in a velvet box
$5,000 – Changemaker SPONSOR
- (5) Half-Table at the Inaugural Gala
- (5) Tickets to VIP Gala reception Recognition in digital package and logo placement online
Logo placement in online and printed materials
- (2) Reserved seating at Oath of Office (2) Limited edition CEO Inaugural Charge Coins in velvet box
$2,500 – Pride SPONSOR
- (2) Inaugural Gala Tickets
- (2) Tickets to VIP Gala reception
- (2) Tickets to CEO Meet and Greet reception
- (1) Limited edition CEO Inaugural Charge Coins in velvet box
For questions about becoming a sponsor or the benefits associated with underwriting portions of the Inauguration, please contact Allison Slocum at allison@lorraineforchange.com.
$200 – Ticket Purchase
- (1) Ticket to Inaugural Gala
To become a sponsor of the Inaugural Gala, please contact Keisha Carter at keisha@keishacarter.com or call 404.920.8490.